What it's like going to Philly just trying to root for your team...Unprovoked, uncalled for. Packers twitter, help me out and find this guy.... this is not okayI hate that my fiancé had this happen simply cheering for her team pic.twitter.com/aiHCKzxrSS— Alexander Basara (@Basaraski) January 13, 2025【記事はこちらから読めます✏️】女性蔑視の言葉で相手チームのファンを侮辱したNFLサポーター、会社から解雇される【解雇を伝えるBCTパートナーズの投稿】pic.twitter.com/onDtFBupOU— BCT Partners (@bctpartners973) January 15, 2025pic.twitter.com/1q9DEla7DG— BCT Partners (@bctpartners973) January 14, 2025関連記事画像枠