

Ugly moment in the Putintseva vs Paolini match at the US Open.

The ball girl tries tossing the ball and Yulia watches it bounce on the ground without moving.

So many ball kids look up to these athletes. Let's try to treat them kinder.

(via @MerThomp)pic.twitter.com/WaVzNcbb6R

— The Tennis Letter (@TheTennisLetter) September 1, 2024

Yulia apologizes for the incident with the ball kid at the US Open:

“I want to apologize to the ball girl for the way I was, when she was giving me balls.
Honestly speaking it was not about her. I was really pissed at my self by not winning the game from the breakpoint and then… pic.twitter.com/pzeIIVhFls

— The Tennis Letter (@TheTennisLetter) September 1, 2024

