(ジュネーブ)— スリランカ政府は、人権侵害を引き起こすテロ防止法(PTA)を廃止するという公約を履行していない、とヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは本日発表の報告書内で述べた。同法は被疑者や容疑者を訴追や裁判もなしに数カ月、しばしば数年も恣意的に拘禁するために適用されており、拷問などの人権侵害の温床である。
スリランカ政府は、2015年10月の国連人権理事会において、責任と法の裁きに関する一連のコミットメントが示された決議案に同意した。しかし2年以上が経過した今も、テロ防止法の廃止など、治安分野の改革に関する主な公約をほとんど履行していない。国連人権高等弁務官のゼイド・ラアド・アルフセイン氏は、2017年9月の第36回人権理事会会合における開会あいさつで、スリランカの遅々として進まぬ改革に言及し、義務の遂行は単なる「官僚主義的な確認手続き」ではないとして、政府に行動を強く求めた。 11月にジュネーブで行われたスリランカの普遍的定期的審査(UPR)では、いくつかの国連加盟国が、拷問に対する保護措置の実施と、テロ防止法の廃止をスリランカ政府に求めている。
Vijaykumar Keetheswaran, a student in Colombo, was visiting his family in Kilinochchi when he was arrested under the PTA in June 2014. He alleges that he was tortured in custody by Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) officials during questioning about his contact with a Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) fighter:
This unit beat me on my back with sticks and poles. They stripped me naked, and beat the soles of my feet with pipes. At one point, they rubbed a chili paste on my genitals. I fainted at that point.
In July 2014, Keetheswaran was transferred to Boosa, a maximum-security prison in southern Sri Lanka where many PTA detainees have been held. He was produced before a magistrate in March 2015, after nine months in custody. "Before going to the magistrate, the TID wanted me to sign a confession, and they burned me with cigarettes," he said.
Keetheswaran was released on bail in November 2015, but arrested again under the PTA in April 2016 and detained for five months, when the TID was searching for his brother:
When they couldn't find [my brother], they arrested me instead. I was taken to Boosa and tortured all over again. They asked me to admit that my brother had been in the LTTE. I was hanged and beaten so badly that I admitted to it even though I don't know if it's true or not.... I was 13-years-old when the war ended. I didn't even know what the LTTE was. But I'm still being harassed.
Sahan Kirthi, then 21, was arrested under the PTA in February 2007. He was at first detained for six months, during which he said he endured weeks of torture by TID officials. He told Human Rights Watch:
There was a pattern to the torture. They would take a plastic shopping bag, pour some petrol into it, and then cover my head with the plastic bag. It forced me to breathe the petrol simply to try and get some air. I was beaten on the soles of my feet. The pain was unbearable. I could feel my heart beat and I would get terrible headaches. There was also water torture, where they would put a handkerchief over my face, and put my face under a running tap with high pressure. If you breathe, the water goes into your nose and you feel like you are drowning. At the same time, you can't really breathe because the water pressure is so high.
TID officials tried to force Kirthi to confess, even threatening to rape his sister. When he was produced before a magistrate after six months, he attempted to report the torture to judicial and medical representatives:
When I was produced before the magistrate, I started telling my story. She called us into her chambers instead and scolded me for saying that the TID had tortured me. I showed her my wounds and scars and she said, "You must have hit yourself." ... I was produced before a JMO [Judicial Medical Officer] after agreeing to sign a confession.... They would not let me read what was written down, so I have no idea what I supposedly confessed to. The JMO didn't listen to me – there is a network between the JMO, magistrate, and TID, I am certain of that. They protect each other.
Kirthi was transferred to Welikada Prison in Colombo in June 2007 but was not formally charged until 2012. He was eventually acquitted in October 2014 after seven years in prison. Kirthi still has injuries, including loss of hearing, from the torture he endured in custody.
Malathi's son, Kanna, was arrested by police in Matale in 2008 on suspicion of involvement with the LTTE. He was released after a week in custody and went into hiding. Malathi (a pseudonym) has not heard from him since. Shortly after Kanna's release, TID officials returned to his house to search for him. When they learned he was missing, they arrested his wife, Durga (a pseudonym), instead. She was held in custody for six months before being produced before a magistrate, and then detained in prison for a further six years before any charges were filed. In 2015, she was acquitted of all charges and released, after seven years in detention.
Durga remains psychologically and physically impaired because of her long incarceration. Her three young children, who were 18 months, 3 years, and 7 years old at the time of her arrest, were raised by her mother-in-law. Malathi said things have been difficult for Durga:
Durga is out of prison now, but is broken. She is not strong enough to take a job on the tea estates, so does menial chores in the bungalows. We have not received any apologies or compensation for our suffering.