
映像作家で音楽探検家のVincent Moonは、世界中の音楽にまつわる伝統・習俗や巫術儀式、昔から伝わる民謡を撮影する。そしてそれらの音が若い世代のミュージシャンによってどう再生を遂げているのかを探りながら、映像を上映しながら次の場所へと移動を続けるプロジェクト「HIBIKI 響」を展開中だ。
2017年12月27日、東京のvacantで、自らの映像作品に、即興で撮影素材等からの音を付け、そこに日本の音楽家たちがさらに演奏を重ねる「Live cinema」が行なわれた。
Vincent Moonの撮影する映像は、シネマヴェリテ=撮影主体を消さずに、撮影対象との干渉具合ごと記録するというもの。逆光を積極的に入れ込んだり、仰角や編集による多重露光を駆使した美的なフレームが通奏低音にある。被写体の自然な振る舞いを前にした鑑賞者は、記録映像/フィクションの弁別を忘れるだろう。そこに断線を走らせるような音の塊が、複数の生音で重ねられることで、虚構の、作品化の度合いが高まる。無記名を装った素材が、唾液腺を刺激する匂いとともに舶来の料理となって姿を現すころ、拍手とともに月下のショーは幕を閉じる。(2018年、日本での撮影を予定しているとのアナウンスがなされた)

◆【イメージの人間・芸術の物語 with ECfilm #1】by VS?Collective /◇再構成映像
この100年間、世界中より集められた人類の映像アーカイブ(ECfilm)に対して、 2017年の東京に生きるアーティストたちが芸術を用いることで「人間の物語」を語り直す試みを、今、催すものだ。


今回の【イメージの人間・芸術の物語 with ECfilm #1】の「開催レシピ」を近日公開予定。

【Art as to finding life in "archives"】
The use of "archive" has been attracting attention for a long while.
An archive is a record that implies more than a record of an event.
In the art industry, a huge amount was recorded because the cost of the record media decreased.
And it is dead without being utilized.
Of course, it is not impossible to search arbitrary records later by retrieving data based on some significant features, but the burden of such accesses is unexpectedly heavy. And by the time we get there, there is often one tag attached to the data. It is a category that is distinguished from the present = "Record of the past". In other words, the distance between us and the present is born.
What should we think of this distance?
Is this distance really the right one?
If this question is invalid, can there be another option?
For example, is there no way to connect and generate the archive now?
Here are two attempts to introduce.
As a filmmaker, Vincent Moon is a music explorer who shoots traditional, customs and Shing rituals around the world, as well as old folk songs. And while exploring how these sounds are being played by younger musicians, the project "Hibiki" is being developed to continue moving to the next place while showing footage.
On December 27, 2017, at vacant in Tokyo, the sound from shooting material etc. was impromptuously attached to their own video work, and "Live cinema" where Japanese musicians further played was performed there.
The video taken by Vincent Moon is a method called Cinema Verito that records the interference level with the object to be photographed without erasing the photographer. Aesthetic frames utilizing backlighting positively and using multiple exposure by elevation angle and editing are actively adopted. A viewer who is in front of the subject's natural behavior will forget to discriminate recorded images / fiction. The lump of sound that makes a disconnection run over there is superimposed with multiple raw sounds, and the degree of the fiction and the rate of that increases.
When the material that pretends to be an anonymous becomes a cooking dish with a smell stimulating the salivary glands, the show of the Moonlight closes the act with applause.(An announcement was made that it is planning to shoot in Japan in 2018)

◆【Human on images・Story of the arts with ECfilm #1】by VS?Collective /◇Reconstruction image of 2017/12/16
On December 16, 2017, at the Takiguchi Timber Warehouse in Shinkiba, an attempt was made to bring the archive from the archive to now which VS? Collective planned.
For the past 100 years, the artists who live in Tokyo in 2017 are now hosting an attempt to retell the human story by using art for the Human Image Archive (=ECfilm) collected from around the world.
A group of stupid images captured by this planet from a century ago when human definitions are cut down so much.A human space as a ritual for prayer, death, life, and beyond in front of the camera.It is a technique called the art, and the trajectory of time which traces the outline of man.
ECfilm is
An encyclopedia of images that aim to accumulate records of knowledge around the world. In the Germany National Science Film Institute, a plan for scientific images began, and many researchers and cameramen spent nearly 30 years in the world, and now have a record archive of 3,000 titles, including valuable records of techniques and rituals of lost living.

Archive as an opportunity to increase the number of "places" and laminating "time"
The wall of a certain timber warehouse is replaced as the screen. Takumi Hashimoto who twisted to the floor and reacts by responding to the context in the picture which has no context at the moment. Tappei Noguchi who seeks while dragging and running with the tire, at the point where his own exploration = art is joined.
On the outside wall of the warehouse, the screen surrounds the explosive sound of the fireworks launched by the Amusement Park on the Gulf and the smell of the ash of the bonfire outside. In the indoor, the banana which became just only the stalls, the kotatsu-japanese traditional foot warmer are lined up, and the song of the woman/Marie Yoda in the presence with the prayer to escape from reincarnation is combined, so the words of poetry has started away,
"Then, once you live everyday, you thought to be trivial might be not thought to be inferior compared with other jobs, so proceed with this hope."

Summary not summarized or as possible directions:
[Beyond the Utilizing Archive]
The archive is a reflection of the future, a recursive generation. Fold the line tense of the past and present the future at least three dimensions. The archive is a baton by mixture the tense.
The combination of the word "Utilizing Archive" still has the nuance to subordinate the past to the present. But in fact, the archive will always live the present again.
To do so, the archive is now reacting to the present and the past so that humans can live together again. It is imperative that we continue to react. Not to stop, but to keep going.
And, it expands from the individual's occupying the method to the sharing which circulates in the network. Furthermore, the network itself may be self-proliferation.
In any case, the concept of "self" will also break down. There is no one who will blame to find a constellation in a tiny piece floating in the hollow.
The recipe of【Human on images・Story of the arts with ECfilm #1】will be coming soon.
If you would like to arrange & cook yourself, please check http://vscollective.club/.