※English follows Japanese.



・漂流し、還流する言葉ー「アジアにめざめたら:アートが変わる、世界が変わる 1960-1990 年代」
例えば1964年の東京五輪開催に紐づけられた都市行政の「清浄化」の動きに対して、当時の前衛芸術グループ「ハイレッド・センター」のとったアクションはどのようなものだったか?それらは写真で記録され、印刷物も保存されている。意味付けがなされ、日本の外へと伝えられ、2018年の東京・東京国立近代美術館に赴けば Charmaine Tohによる解説的小論を翻訳された日本語によって読むこともできる。年を跨げばソウル、それからシンガポールを巡ることになっていて、ところでそれはどこへ辿り着くのだろうか?


"Arts awakenings with languages -changing story, city, human"
If there is a need to speak, to be spoken of, to tell the story, what is it for?
Will the story of the human being told by Art be a baton?

・To open up Art to human society- "Zoo/Doubutsuen"
"Zoo/Doubutsuen" is a series guerrilla performance set mainly at Tokyo's Yoyogi Park since 2016, which was intended to open the arts to the White Cube and theaters = city. With the direction of Dancer / Painter / Actor = Aokid born in 1988, various actions against people who happen to meet in urban parks have been spread by performers / critics / architects across genres.
October 2018. Actions in public spaces of public cities that are increasingly monitored over the years are already monitored when multiple people gather and just stand, and the rate at which actions are restricted, (as my feelings involved in recording shooting) It was increasing. As a tactic to be trended to scoop out tangible and intangible restrictions, from a dance of great movement or a screaming song, from small distant memorials to artificial turf laid on the lawn of a park, outdoor space of holiday and Improvisation acts responding to people are batoning. Attempts to draw / in Yoyogi Park in Tokyo in 2018 as a collective outline = "Zoo/Doubutsuen" collective graffiti / performance. Traces of actions accumulated in this manner are recorded by video and sentences, and are batonized as messages of even larger units. For example, can it be received as an ears that "the city always updates the actions of human beings, read this / see / come / make it?" Alternatively, as another source of wisdom that does not appear in textbooks that each person can refer to at each timing, another experience in which linguistic emotions change with each process.

・To verbalize the action and distribution - "Takumi chan cup"
November 2018, the rooftop of the 15th floor of a certain building in Shinjuku. Is it possible for "the first Takumi chan cup" to be a place where humans (including artists) that are difficult to find "words" that describe well within existing categories are not excluded? It is a place of a free performance battle followed by an open microphone session where the opening was declared for the time being. It is true that Takumi-chan has an artist who improvises the relationship between images and humanity by language and body, and we are co-hosted with we vs? collective. However, no one knew that Takumi, the judge, was also a contestant, and that the jury of the judges was a free battle to be announced on that day until the day.

This is the result of the official TW of the tournament from the pre-release to adopt the free login system with shared password, open from the rule editing stage. Can that be said that it was a place of the performance of low dependence on the language? It is only one opinion though the aim of the holding by the Steering Committee (including "You" of the free login) is detailed here. The post-tournament language and photo archives are also edited by a group. So what is the archive for? What is it that waits to be poured into the "Takumi-chan Cup"?

· Words to drift and reflux - "Awakenings: Art in Society in Asia 1960s–1990s''
For instance, what was the action taken by the avant-garde art group "High Red Center" at the time against the movement of urban administration "purification" linked to the Tokyo Olympic Games held in 1964? They are recorded in photographs and prints are also preserved. The semantics is made, it was transmitted to outside of Japan, and if you go to the Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo in 2018, you can read it by Japanese translated commentary by Charmaine Toh. Over the years it is supposed to go around Seoul and then Singapore, where by the way will it arrive?

My conclusion after confessing that translation work of above essay is mine,it can not be reached anywhere. it means that constellations are just rearranged. In the same passage, for several years since around 1968, she picked up "provoke" which proceeded to the destructive point of the whole act of "representation" around the photograph and the language, was taken up by a different act at another point arranged in a straight line "La Révolution Urbaine / urban revolution" of Lefebvre as the vertical axis. By the way, was not "provoke" oriented to offer "provocative material for thought" if you draw the words that they raised themselves? Where are their echoes echoing now? The sound does not lead to the localization of both the phenomenon and your-self.

・"Story" to wait for the reproduction by being abandoned
The record is the chosen story. It is a product of the passive form that the selected one to be protected is edited. Then, it is thrown away after it is positively destroyed if the deadline comes. But for that, the archive is requested as a story to be forgotten, not to leave. That's why it is requested as an archive for the story to be forgotten, not to leave. It is already a story though it wants to be careful. There are principals in the word that there is a protagonist in the story. If it is a human, the same thing will be repeated. As long as we do not change the trajectory of the energy of storytelling, the iterations over humans are not over. Does art have to stop human beings with this structure? Or, as one of the types of the recurring story, can a human being be distant viewing from the story of the hero as a human being made by the wand of the art?
By talking to others about my story, the story is once died, and more and more my amazing narrative is reproduced, and it becomes the energy of others, and it is spoken by someone else. Energy messages and circulates.
- Tomoko Konoike from 'Hunter Gatherer' Exhibition
Tomoko Konoike, for instance, is trying to keep arts away from concentric circles about human acts. In her video work, gradually pushing himself into a distant view in the landscape, buried in the whole body snow and howling barking. Would it be that the laughter left after a momentary silence, "Minimal Story" if you could say like this? Needless to say, I saw the edited picture, and this must have been a baton too.