


ゲッティイメージズの報道カメラマン ジョン・ムーアは、10年間以上に渡り米国・メキシコ国境の不法移民問題について取材してきました。

4つの米国の州と6つのメキシコの州に接している全長1,951マイル (3,141km)の国境は、毎年100万人以上の不法入国者による横断があると言われています。米国に入国しようとしているメキシコ人や、それを阻止する国境警備隊を東から西まで自分の足で取材していくうちに、何故これほどの危険なリスクを負って入国しようとする人々がいるのか益々関心を持ちました。



TIJUANA, MEXICO - SEPTEMBER 25: A man looks through the U.S.-Mexico border fence into the United States on September 25, 2016 in Tijuana, Mexico. Friendship Park on the border is one of the few places on the 2,000-mile border where separated families are allowed to meet. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
TIJUANA, MEXICO - SEPTEMBER 25: A man looks through the U.S.-Mexico border fence into the United States on September 25, 2016 in Tijuana, Mexico. Friendship Park on the border is one of the few places on the 2,000-mile border where separated families are allowed to meet. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
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PIMA COUNTY, AZ - NOVEMBER 16: Civilian paramilitary volunteer James, 24, for Arizona Border Recon (AZBR), stands near the U.S.-Mexico border on November 16, 2016 in Pima County, Arizona. The college student said he felt it is his duty to help protect the nation's borders. "There's evil going on here,"he said. AZBR is made up mostly of former U.S. military servicemen, stages reconnaissance and surveillance operations against drug and human smugglers in remote border areas. The group claims up to 200 volunteers and does not consider itself a militia, but rather a group of citizens supplimenting U.S. Border Patrol efforts to control illegal border activity. With the election of Donald Trump as President, border security issues are a top national issue for the incoming Administration. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
PIMA COUNTY, AZ - NOVEMBER 16: Civilian paramilitary volunteer James, 24, for Arizona Border Recon (AZBR), stands near the U.S.-Mexico border on November 16, 2016 in Pima County, Arizona. The college student said he felt it is his duty to help protect the nation's borders. "There's evil going on here,"he said. AZBR is made up mostly of former U.S. military servicemen, stages reconnaissance and surveillance operations against drug and human smugglers in remote border areas. The group claims up to 200 volunteers and does not consider itself a militia, but rather a group of citizens supplimenting U.S. Border Patrol efforts to control illegal border activity. With the election of Donald Trump as President, border security issues are a top national issue for the incoming Administration. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
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MESA, AZ - FEBRUARY 28: A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), security contractor carries chains for Honduran immigration detainees before their deportation flight to San Pedro Sula, Honduras on February 28, 2013 in Mesa, Arizona. ICE operates 4-5 flights per week from Mesa to Central America, deporting hundreds of undocumented immigrants detained in western states of the U.S. With the possibility of federal budget sequestration, ICE released 303 immigration detainees in the last week from detention centers throughout Arizona. More than 2,000 immigration detainees remain in ICE custody in the state. Most detainees typically remain in custody for several weeks before they are deported to their home country, while others remain for longer periods while their immigration cases work through the courts. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
MESA, AZ - FEBRUARY 28: A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), security contractor carries chains for Honduran immigration detainees before their deportation flight to San Pedro Sula, Honduras on February 28, 2013 in Mesa, Arizona. ICE operates 4-5 flights per week from Mesa to Central America, deporting hundreds of undocumented immigrants detained in western states of the U.S. With the possibility of federal budget sequestration, ICE released 303 immigration detainees in the last week from detention centers throughout Arizona. More than 2,000 immigration detainees remain in ICE custody in the state. Most detainees typically remain in custody for several weeks before they are deported to their home country, while others remain for longer periods while their immigration cases work through the courts. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
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名前:John Moore(ジョン・ムーア) ゲッティイメージズ フォトグラファー兼特別特派員


略歴:1990年テキサス大学卒業後、Associated Press(AP通信社)へ入社。2005年にゲッティイメージズに入社し、2008年までパキスタンのイスラマバードに在住。イスラマバードを拠点に、南アジアやアフリカ、中東エリアを撮影。特にパキスタンでは、元パキスタン首相のベーナズィール・ブットー氏の暗殺現場を捉えた。2010 年以降は、米国の移民問題に注力。特に 2013年は、アリゾナ、テキサス、コロラド、ニューヨークの国境線で一年の大半を過ごす。

受賞歴:世界報道写真賞(計4回)/「The Overseas Press Club」ロバートキャパ金賞/John Faber賞









WESLACO, TX - APRIL 13: Undocumented immigrants comfort each other after being caught by Border Patrol agents near the U.S.-Mexico border on April 13, 2016 in Weslaco, Texas. Border security and immigration, both legal and otherwise, continue to be contentious national issues in the 2016 Presidential campaign. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
WESLACO, TX - APRIL 13: Undocumented immigrants comfort each other after being caught by Border Patrol agents near the U.S.-Mexico border on April 13, 2016 in Weslaco, Texas. Border security and immigration, both legal and otherwise, continue to be contentious national issues in the 2016 Presidential campaign. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
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SAN PEDRO SULA, HONDURAS - AUGUST 17: Street gang member "El Negro", 21, poses for a photo at his group's safe house on August 17, 2017 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. His gang of more than 40 "sicarios" earns money by armed robbery and murder by hire. San Pedro Sula has one of the highest violence and homocide rates in the world for a populace not at war. Poverty and violence have driven immigration to the United States, although the number of U.S.-bound immigrants has dropped during the first months of the Trump Presidency. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
SAN PEDRO SULA, HONDURAS - AUGUST 17: Street gang member "El Negro", 21, poses for a photo at his group's safe house on August 17, 2017 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. His gang of more than 40 "sicarios" earns money by armed robbery and murder by hire. San Pedro Sula has one of the highest violence and homocide rates in the world for a populace not at war. Poverty and violence have driven immigration to the United States, although the number of U.S.-bound immigrants has dropped during the first months of the Trump Presidency. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
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SAN PEDRO SULA, HONDURAS - AUGUST 17: Street gang leader "Nadie", 36, poses for a photo at his group's safe house on August 17, 2017 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. His group of more than 40 "sicarios" earns money by armed robbery and murder by hire. The city has one of the highest violence and homocide rates in the world for a populace not at war. Poverty and violence have driven immigration to the United States, although the number of U.S.-bound immigrants has dropped during the first months of the Trump Presidency. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
SAN PEDRO SULA, HONDURAS - AUGUST 17: Street gang leader "Nadie", 36, poses for a photo at his group's safe house on August 17, 2017 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. His group of more than 40 "sicarios" earns money by armed robbery and murder by hire. The city has one of the highest violence and homocide rates in the world for a populace not at war. Poverty and violence have driven immigration to the United States, although the number of U.S.-bound immigrants has dropped during the first months of the Trump Presidency. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
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SAN PEDRO SULA, HONDURAS - AUGUST 17: Street gang member "Big Dog", 25, poses for a photo at his group's safe house on August 17, 2017 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. His gang of more than 40 "sicarios" earns money by armed robbery and murder by hire. San Pedro Sula has one of the highest violence and homocide rates in the world for a populace not at war. Poverty and violence have driven immigration to the United States, although the number of U.S.-bound immigrants has dropped during the first months of the Trump Presidency. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
SAN PEDRO SULA, HONDURAS - AUGUST 17: Street gang member "Big Dog", 25, poses for a photo at his group's safe house on August 17, 2017 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. His gang of more than 40 "sicarios" earns money by armed robbery and murder by hire. San Pedro Sula has one of the highest violence and homocide rates in the world for a populace not at war. Poverty and violence have driven immigration to the United States, although the number of U.S.-bound immigrants has dropped during the first months of the Trump Presidency. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
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SAN PEDRO SULA, HONDURAS - AUGUST 19: Local Bario 18 gang leader "El Mortal", 18, poses for a photo on August 19, 2017 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. He said he has been a gang member since he was age 10. In Honduras, rival gangs including Barrio 18 and MS-13 tightly control territory, earning money from extortion and drug trafficking. San Pedro Sula has one of the highest rates in the world for violence and homocide rates, most of it gang-related, for a populace not at war. Poverty and violence have driven immigration to the United States, although the number of U.S.-bound immigrants has dropped during the first months of the Trump Presidency. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
SAN PEDRO SULA, HONDURAS - AUGUST 19: Local Bario 18 gang leader "El Mortal", 18, poses for a photo on August 19, 2017 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. He said he has been a gang member since he was age 10. In Honduras, rival gangs including Barrio 18 and MS-13 tightly control territory, earning money from extortion and drug trafficking. San Pedro Sula has one of the highest rates in the world for violence and homocide rates, most of it gang-related, for a populace not at war. Poverty and violence have driven immigration to the United States, although the number of U.S.-bound immigrants has dropped during the first months of the Trump Presidency. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
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SAN JUAN SACATEPEQUEZ, GUATEMALA - FEBRUARY 14: Mothers carry portraits of their sons who were kidnapped and killed on February 14, 2017 in San Juan Sacatepequez, Guatemala. More than 2,000 people walked in a funeral procession for Carlos Daniel Xiqin, 10, and Oscar Armando Top Cotzajay, 11, who were reported abducted walking to school Friday morning. Residents found the boys stuffed in sacks over the weekend, with the boys' throats slashed and hands and feet bound. Neighbors reported a ransom demand was made. Such crimes have driven emigration from Guatemala to the United States, as families seek refuge from the violence. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
SAN JUAN SACATEPEQUEZ, GUATEMALA - FEBRUARY 14: Mothers carry portraits of their sons who were kidnapped and killed on February 14, 2017 in San Juan Sacatepequez, Guatemala. More than 2,000 people walked in a funeral procession for Carlos Daniel Xiqin, 10, and Oscar Armando Top Cotzajay, 11, who were reported abducted walking to school Friday morning. Residents found the boys stuffed in sacks over the weekend, with the boys' throats slashed and hands and feet bound. Neighbors reported a ransom demand was made. Such crimes have driven emigration from Guatemala to the United States, as families seek refuge from the violence. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
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