5カ月の赤ちゃん、がれきの中から生還 パパとママにニッコリ【ネパール大地震】

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In this Sunday, April 26, 2015, photo taken by Amul Thapa and provided by KathmanduToday.com, four-month-old baby boy Sonit Awal is held up by Nepalese Army soldiers after being rescued from the rubble of his house in Bhaktapur, Nepal, after Saturday's 7.8-magnitude earthquake shook the densely populated Kathmandu valley. Thapa says that when he saw the baby alive after 20 hours of rescue efforts all my sorrow went. Everyone was clapping. It gave me energy and made me smile in spite of lots of pain hidden inside me.
Amul Thapa/AP


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In this Sunday, April 26, 2015, photo taken by Amul Thapa and provided by KathmanduToday.com, four-month-old baby boy Sonit Awal is held up by Nepalese Army soldiers after being rescued from the rubble of his house in Bhaktapur, Nepal, after Saturday's 7.8-magnitude earthquake shook the densely populated Kathmandu valley. Thapa says that when he saw the baby alive after 20 hours of rescue efforts all my sorrow went. Everyone was clapping. It gave me energy and made me smile in spite of lots of pain hidden inside me."(Amul Thapa/Kathmandu Today via AP)





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