日韓首脳会談、11月2日に開催決定 ソウルで3年半ぶり

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South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrive for a trilateral meeting with the US presidentat the US ambassador's residence in The Hague on March 25, 2014 after they attended the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). US President Barack Obama hosted the much-anticipated first meeting between the Asian leaders with relations between Tokyo and Seoul at their lowest ebb in years, mired in emotive issues linked to Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule and a territorial dispute, as well as Japan's use of South Korean 'comfort women' sex slaves in wartime brothels. AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)
SAUL LOEB via Getty Images

[東京 28日 ロイター] - 菅義偉官房長官は28日、午後の記者会見で、11月1日からソウルで開催される日中韓首脳会談に合わせ、安倍晋三首相と朴槿恵大統領による首脳会談を翌2日に開催する、と発表した。

