

6月に京都で開催される、集積回路の世界のトップ学会の一つであるSymposium on VLSI Tehnology and CircuitsでSSDに関して3件の論文を発表します。











一方、文末の発表リストの一番最初に書いた論文では、要旨に書かれているように、ある決まった時にデータを自動的に壊すことで、「忘れられる権利(Right to be forgotten)」をハードウエアのレベルで実現する方法を提案しました。




CPS(Cyber Physical System)という言葉からもわかるように、ITの世界(Cyber)と実世界・社会(Physical)が融合する時代。







■ "Privacy-Protection Solid-State Storage (PP-SSS) System: Automatic Lifetime Management of Internet-Data's Right to be Forgotten", S. Tanakamaru, H. Yamazawa and K. Takeuchi

【要旨】A privacy-protection solid-state storage (PP-SSS) system with 1Xnm 3bit/cell triple-level cell (TLC) NAND flash memory is proposed to comply with the recent "Right to be forgotten" data trend. In PP-SSS, private data is automatically corrupted within the hardware itself based on expiration dates that are individually selectable for each file. PP-SSS consists of two proposals: partial bit-flip (PBF) and NPBF page-allocation scheme for rough and precise control of the data-expiration dates, respectively. In PBF, a part of the data is bit-flipped and errors are intentionally injected. Therefore, the data lifetime is limited due to failure of error correction. The larger the number of PBF (NPBF) is, the sooner the data becomes unreadable. Since the reliability of each page is different, and to more precisely control the data lifetime, NPBF page-allocation refers to a prerecorded table which stores the measured NPBF of each page with different data-expiration date and write/erase cycles.

■ "Reliability Enhancement of 1Xnm TLC for Cold Flash and Millennium Memories", S. Yamazaki, S. Tanakamaru, S. Suzuki, T. O. Iwasaki, S. Hachiya and K. Takeuchi

【要旨】Endurance and retention are measured in 1Xnm Triple Level Cell (TLC) NAND. To improve reliability, a flexible nLC scheme (flex-nLC) enables the lowest-cost TLC NAND to be used, as is, in long term storage applications, such as cold flash and digital archive: millennium memory, which require 20 and 1000 years retention, and 100 and 1 W/E cycling endurance, respectively. Previously, n-out-of-8 level cell (nLC) technology was applied to 2Xnm TLC for long term storage with 1-time write. Reliability is further enhanced with the new flex-nLC proposal, which combines asymmetric coding and nLC with an additional vertical flag area. Because all data conversion and flag calculations are handled in the SSD controller, the highestdensity, lowest-cost 1Xnm TLC NAND can be used, as is. Optimization of flexible-nLC for 1Xnm TLC reduces errors in the extreme retention applications by 66% and 71%, compared to conventional nLC.

■ "Inductively-Powered Wireless Solid-State Drive (SSD) System with Merged Error Correction of High-Speed NonContact Data Links and NAND Flash Memory", A. Kosuge, J. Hashiba, T. Kawajiri, S. Hasegawa, T. Shidei, H. Ishikuro, T. Kuroda and K. Takeuchi

【要旨】This paper presents a wireless solid-state drive (SSD) system for future applications of large volume storage in mobile devices or data center. The wireless interface in the developed system consists of an inductive-coupling power link with a fast transmitting power control and high-speed data links with transmission line couplers (TLCs). The wireless power link can deliver 1W from the host side to the SSD side. The full duplex wireless data interface achieved raw data rate of 1.6Gbps/link. The error correction block for NAND flash memory system can also correct the error in wireless data links. The data link has tolerance to the interference from the power link, and both the data and power links show the waterproof property of the system.


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