Open Image ModalPaul Pisoni, production specialist at Polich Tallix, holds a 24-karat gold finished statuette January 13, 2017 at Polich Tallix Foundary in Rock Tavern, upstate New York.A stylized figure of a knight holding a crusader's sword standing on a reel of film with five spokes signifying the five original branches of the Academy (actors, directors, producers, technicians and writers)is widely considered the most prestigious cinema award trophy. / AFP / DON EMMERT (Photo credit should read DON EMMERT/AFP/Getty Images)DON EMMERT via Getty ImagesハフィントンポストUS版より翻訳・加筆しました。Open Image Modal▼画像集が開きます(スライドショーが見られない方はこちらへ)Open Image Modalアカデミー賞、輝かしい映画の祭典の歴史を26枚の写真で振り返る