
「真実は見つけることが難しい(The truth is hard to find)」。
People take part in a protest outside the New York Times on February 26, 2017 in New York. The White House denied access Frebuary 24. 2017 to an off-camera briefing to several major US media outlets, including CNN and The New York Times. Smaller outlets that have provided favorable coverage however were allowed to attend the briefing by spokesman Sean Spicer. The WHCA said it was 'protesting strongly' against the decision to selectively deny media access. The New York Times said the decision was 'an unmistakable insult to democratic ideals,' CNN called it 'an unacceptable development,' and The Los Angeles Times warned the incident had 'ratcheted up the White House's war on the free press' to a new level. / AFP / KENA BETANCUR (Photo credit should read KENA BETANCUR/AFP/Getty Images)
People take part in a protest outside the New York Times on February 26, 2017 in New York. The White House denied access Frebuary 24. 2017 to an off-camera briefing to several major US media outlets, including CNN and The New York Times. Smaller outlets that have provided favorable coverage however were allowed to attend the briefing by spokesman Sean Spicer. The WHCA said it was 'protesting strongly' against the decision to selectively deny media access. The New York Times said the decision was 'an unmistakable insult to democratic ideals,' CNN called it 'an unacceptable development,' and The Los Angeles Times warned the incident had 'ratcheted up the White House's war on the free press' to a new level. / AFP / KENA BETANCUR (Photo credit should read KENA BETANCUR/AFP/Getty Images)
KENA BETANCUR via Getty Images


「The Truth is Hard(真実は難しい)」と表題がつけられたこのCMは、現地時間2月26日に開催されるアカデミー賞授賞式のテレビ中継中に放映される予定だという。

公開されたCMでは、白い画面に「The truth is(真実は)」という書き出しから始まるフレーズが繰り返し表示される。

メッセージは全てトランプ大統領の発言や政策に関連しており、CMの最後は「真実は見つけることが難しい(The truth is hard to find)」「真実は知ることが難しい(The truth is hard to know)」「真実はこれまで以上に重要だ(The truth is more important now than ever)」という言葉で締めくくられている。


・真実は、私たちの国家はこれまで以上に分断されている(The truth is our nation is more divided than ever)

・真実は、メディアは正直ではない(The truth is the media is dishonest)

・真実は、女性は女性らしい服を着るべきだ(The truth is a woman should dress like a woman)

・真実は、彼の難民政策はイスラム教徒禁止令の手段のひとつだ(The Truth is his refugee policy is a backdoor Muslim ban)





