スティーブ・ジョブズの名言、没後5年でふり返る 「世界を変えるチャンスが欲しいか」

FILE - In this Sept. 20, 2005 file photo, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs smiles after a press conference as he opens the Apple Expo in Paris. Since his death in 2011, Jobs has been the subject of documentaries, books, a film, even a graphic novel. Now the technology pioneer will be the focus of an upcoming opera. In front of the Sangre de Cristo mountains in northern New Mexico, the Santa Fe Opera announced Wednesday, Aug. 5, that its latest commission will be based on the man who helped revolutionize personal computers, the music business and, of course, brought the world the iPhone. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena, File)
FILE - In this Sept. 20, 2005 file photo, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs smiles after a press conference as he opens the Apple Expo in Paris. Since his death in 2011, Jobs has been the subject of documentaries, books, a film, even a graphic novel. Now the technology pioneer will be the focus of an upcoming opera. In front of the Sangre de Cristo mountains in northern New Mexico, the Santa Fe Opera announced Wednesday, Aug. 5, that its latest commission will be based on the man who helped revolutionize personal computers, the music business and, of course, brought the world the iPhone. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena, File)


まだIBMがコンピューター産業で支配的な存在だった1976年、ジョブズ氏は友人だったスティーブ・ウォズニアック氏らとアップルを創業。「Apple 2」や「Macintosh」を世に送り出し、パソコンが家庭に普及する礎を作った。強烈なトップダウン型の経営姿勢もあり、一時アップルを追放されたが、その間に映画会社ピクサーを設立。全編CGの「トイ・ストーリー」がヒットし、CGアニメ興隆のきっかけとなった。








