靖国神社に高市早苗総務相が参拝 山谷えり子拉致担当相、有村治子女性活躍相も 第2次安倍改造内閣【UPDATE】

Sanae Takaichi, Japan's newly appointed internal affairs and communications minister, arrives at the prime minister's official residence after the attestation ceremony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan, on Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2014. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe placed an advocate of pro-market reforms in charge of the government pension fund and named a rising female politician as industry minister as he seeks to restore momentum to his 'Abenomics' policies with a cabinet reshuffle today. Photographer: Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Sanae Takaichi, Japan's newly appointed internal affairs and communications minister, arrives at the prime minister's official residence after the attestation ceremony at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan, on Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2014. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe placed an advocate of pro-market reforms in charge of the government pension fund and named a rising female politician as industry minister as he seeks to restore momentum to his 'Abenomics' policies with a cabinet reshuffle today. Photographer: Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Bloomberg via Getty Images




靖国神社:高市総務相が参拝 第2次安倍内閣の閣僚で初 - 毎日新聞 2014/10/18 12:39)


【UPDATE】2014/10/18 14:24



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