ガザ難民キャンプ爆発、子供8人死亡 イスラエル空爆か、ハマスのロケット弾誤射か

A relative reacts after seeing the bodies of three Palestinian children, killed in an explosion in a public playground on the beachfront of Shati refugee camp, as they lie in the morgue of al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on July 28, 2014. Palestinian medical sources blamed death of eight Palestinian children on air strikes launched by the Israeli military, which in turn said Hamas had misfired its own rockets at the camp and at the Shifa hospital. AFP PHOTO/MARCO LONGARI (Photo credit should read MARCO LONGARI/AFP/Getty Images)
A relative reacts after seeing the bodies of three Palestinian children, killed in an explosion in a public playground on the beachfront of Shati refugee camp, as they lie in the morgue of al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City on July 28, 2014. Palestinian medical sources blamed death of eight Palestinian children on air strikes launched by the Israeli military, which in turn said Hamas had misfired its own rockets at the camp and at the Shifa hospital. AFP PHOTO/MARCO LONGARI (Photo credit should read MARCO LONGARI/AFP/Getty Images)
MARCO LONGARI via Getty Images




(47NEWS「ガザ難民キャンプ爆発10人死亡 空爆か、ロケット弾誤射か」より 2014/07/29 01:33)



(時事ドットコム「ガザ、攻撃の応酬続く=ラマダン明け、祝日ムードなし-難民キャンプで子供7人死亡」より 2014/07/29 02:07)

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