
A giant man is sticking out his head and arms of the windows of an old abandoned building. The art piece is made by street artist Sam3 who is one out of 16 artists who took part in the Crono Project in Lisbon. Portugal 2013. (Photo by: PYMCA/UIG via Getty Images)
PYMCA via Getty Images
A giant man is sticking out his head and arms of the windows of an old abandoned building. The art piece is made by street artist Sam3 who is one out of 16 artists who took part in the Crono Project in Lisbon. Portugal 2013. (Photo by: PYMCA/UIG via Getty Images)


かつては公共物の破壊として秘密に行われていたストリート・アートだが、現在は公共芸術の1つの形として認知され、世界中の主要なメトロポリスに出現している。 "ストリート・アートとグラフィティは、儚く、一過性で、一瞬だ,"ブルックリン・ストリート・アートの専門家はグラフィティやストリート・アートの現代的な魅力をそう強調する。


1. ベルリン、ドイツ

A street artwork by JR is pictured in Berlin on April 16, 2013.

2. サンパウロ、ブラジル

A mural by Francisco Rodrigues da Silva, known as Nunca, in the Liberdade neighborhood of Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Thursday, Aug. 7, 2008.

3. メルボルン、オーストラリア

A mural by Del Kathryn Barton, tilted "The Whole of Everything," which adorns the side of an apartment block in central Melbourne, on July 8, 2008.

4. ケープタウン、南アフリカ

A mural of Nelson Mandela by graffiti artist Mak1One on December 7, 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa.

5. リスボン、ポルトガル

A mural by Sam3 created during the Crono Project in Lisbon, Portugal in 2013.

6. ボゴタ、コロンビア

A graffiti wall painted by El Pez in Bogota, Colombia on July 9, 2010.

7. ダブリン、アイルランド

A mural in the Temple Bar area on October 23, 2013 in Dublin, Ireland.

8. ロンドン、イングランド

Street art by Ekta Ekta on the side of The White building, along the River Lea Navigation at Olympic Stadium on August 7, 2013 in London, England.

9. サンティアゴ、チリ

An artist works on a graffiti piece on the banks of the Mapocho river for the first festival of urban intervention, Home-made, in Santiago, on November 21, 2012.

10. 台北、台湾

Street artwork by Aram Bartholl in Taipei, Taiwan.

11. ブリストル、英国

A graffiti artist puts the finishing touches to his painting for the "See No Evil" street art project in Nelson Street on August 20, 2011 in Bristol, England.

12. ニューヨーク・シティ、ニューヨーク

People walk by a street art graffiti by elusive British artist Banksy, as part of his month-long "Better Out Than In exhibit" in New York, October 3, 2013.

13. メキシコ・シティ、メキシコ

An artist works on his graffiti painting of Mexican Revolutionary hero Emiliano Zapata, during the "Independence Bicentenary and Revolution Centenary" contest, organized by local authorities, in Mexico City, on September 11, 2010.

14. プラハ、チェコ共和国

Mural by Honet in Prague.

15. パリ、フランス

A general view of 'La Tour 13', a street art building demolished earlier this year.

16. ブエノスアイレス、アルゼンチン

Street Art in Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires in June 2011.

17. フィラデルフィア、ペンシルバニア

Artwork by Espo in Philadelphia.

18. キンタナル・デ・ラ・オルデン、スペイン

19. バンコク、タイ

Graffiti paintings in Bangkok on July 14, 2010.

20. グダニスク、ポーランド

Mural by Etka in Gdansk, Poland.

21. リオ・デ・ジャネイロ、ブラジル

Street artwork by MOMO and Eltono in Rio de Janeiro.

22. イスタンブール、トルコ

Rainbow-colored stairs in Istanbul painted by a local man in 2013.

23. ベツレヘム、パレスチナ

The Italian street artist Blu paints graffiti on Israel's separation barrier on December 5, 2007.

[(English) Translated by Gengo]

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