
TOKYO, JAPAN - JANUARY 06: Governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe speaks during the New Year's fire drill at the Tokyo Big Sight on January 6, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. According to the Tokyo Fire Department, more than 2000 firefighters and volunteers, and 157 firefighting vehicles (including 5 helicopters and 8 boats) participated in this annual drill, where the participants demonstrated the traditional ladder stunts and the latest rescue/ firefighting techniques. (Photo by Takashi Aoyama/Getty Images)
TOKYO, JAPAN - JANUARY 06: Governor of Tokyo, Yoichi Masuzoe speaks during the New Year's fire drill at the Tokyo Big Sight on January 6, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. According to the Tokyo Fire Department, more than 2000 firefighters and volunteers, and 157 firefighting vehicles (including 5 helicopters and 8 boats) participated in this annual drill, where the participants demonstrated the traditional ladder stunts and the latest rescue/ firefighting techniques. (Photo by Takashi Aoyama/Getty Images)
Takashi Aoyama via Getty Images




高級ホテル滞在「削減すればいい、ではない」 舛添氏:朝日新聞デジタルより 2016/04/17 18:07)



