田母神俊雄容疑者を逮捕 「国家権力にはかないません」とツイート

JAPAN - APRIL 30: Toshio Tamogami, Japan's former chief of staff general of the Air Self-Defense Force, speaks during an interview in Tokyo, Japan, on Thursday, April 30, 2009. North Korea's nuclear test and missile launches have Japan confronting a topic long off-limits: acquiring atomic weapons of its own. 'The threat is elevated and Japan should seek to arm itself with nuclear weapons,'Tamogami said in one of two recent interviews. 'North Korea will keep testing until they develop nuclear missiles that can reach the U.S.' (Photo by Toshiyuki Aizawa/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
JAPAN - APRIL 30: Toshio Tamogami, Japan's former chief of staff general of the Air Self-Defense Force, speaks during an interview in Tokyo, Japan, on Thursday, April 30, 2009. North Korea's nuclear test and missile launches have Japan confronting a topic long off-limits: acquiring atomic weapons of its own. 'The threat is elevated and Japan should seek to arm itself with nuclear weapons,'Tamogami said in one of two recent interviews. 'North Korea will keep testing until they develop nuclear missiles that can reach the U.S.' (Photo by Toshiyuki Aizawa/Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Bloomberg via Getty Images





田母神・元空幕長を逮捕 選挙運動員に現金配った疑い:朝日新聞デジタルより 2016/04/14 10:42)




