馳浩氏の文部科学相への就任報道に「猪木超え」との声 尾木ママは「期待大ですね」

Los Angeles 1984 Olympian and Member of the House of Representatives, Japanese wrestler Hiroshi Hase, delivers a speech during a news conference promoting Tokyo for the 2020 Olympic games in Buenos Aires on September 6, 2013. Tokyo, Istanbul and Madrid were on Friday preparing to celebrate or commiserate their 2020 Olympics bids, as political leaders from all three countries make a final push to clinch the Games. Members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) vote on Saturday afternoon in Buenos Aires, with bookmakers putting Tokyo just in front of Madrid as favourites and the eagerly-awaited result to be beamed live across the world. AFP PHOTO / Juan MABROMATA (Photo credit should read JUAN MABROMATA/AFP/Getty Images)
Los Angeles 1984 Olympian and Member of the House of Representatives, Japanese wrestler Hiroshi Hase, delivers a speech during a news conference promoting Tokyo for the 2020 Olympic games in Buenos Aires on September 6, 2013. Tokyo, Istanbul and Madrid were on Friday preparing to celebrate or commiserate their 2020 Olympics bids, as political leaders from all three countries make a final push to clinch the Games. Members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) vote on Saturday afternoon in Buenos Aires, with bookmakers putting Tokyo just in front of Madrid as favourites and the eagerly-awaited result to be beamed live across the world. AFP PHOTO / Juan MABROMATA (Photo credit should read JUAN MABROMATA/AFP/Getty Images)
JUAN MABROMATA via Getty Images


尾木さんは7日朝、「やはり文科大臣には期待大ですね!!」と題したブログ記事を公開。「高校の国語教師もされていて 教師感覚 とても素敵なところありますよ」などと綴った。しかし、政治の世界は厳しいということも認識してか、「政策実現は 別の次元かも知れないですね」と続けている。





