アップル、電気自動車大手のテスラに買収提案? 地元紙が報じる

Appleが、電気自動車大手のTesla Motorsに買収を提案したのでは、という憶測を、The San Francisco Chronicleが報じている。
An apple logo sit on a sign at Apple Inc.'s campus in Cork, Ireland, on Tuesday, June 4, 2013. Speaking to lawmakers in Dublin last month, Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan insisted the country is no tax haven, after a congressional hearing in Washington focused attention on Apple Inc.'s maneuvers to minimize its tax bill through its operations in Cork in the south of Ireland. Photographer: Aidan Crawley/Bloomberg via Getty Images
An apple logo sit on a sign at Apple Inc.'s campus in Cork, Ireland, on Tuesday, June 4, 2013. Speaking to lawmakers in Dublin last month, Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan insisted the country is no tax haven, after a congressional hearing in Washington focused attention on Apple Inc.'s maneuvers to minimize its tax bill through its operations in Cork in the south of Ireland. Photographer: Aidan Crawley/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Bloomberg via Getty Images

アップルが、電気自動車大手のテスラ・モーターズに買収を提案したのでは、という憶測を、The San Francisco Chronicleが報じている。





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