Scott's 12 year old nephew recently wrote this essay below as a letter to the local paper, and it was immediately printed on the editorial page! And it was just SOOOO ADORABLE, I have to share it with all of you! I think it fits in perfectly with everything here on the Post!


By Tom Stevens, age 12

I hate george bush. Because He's really stupid. I can't believe how stupid people in America are . and the south - my dad says they're really stupid. they vote for bush and They have guns.

this is why everyone else in the world hates us!

Guns are bad. Why do we have them if they our only used to kill people? Why do we have weapons if all they are used for is to kill people! I think if everyone through all their weapons away RIGHT NOW, we could all live in peace. : )

But George Bush won't let us do that.

And this is why everyone else in the world hates us!

BUSH is a liar. He lies about everything! He lied about the war just so he could kill people! Thats all he wants to do is kill people. There is no other reason - than that! ITS THAT SIMPLE!

This is why everyone in the world hates us!

-WAR IS BAD BECAUSE PEOPLE DIE. Why cant george bush see this? BECAUSE HE IS STUPID. Like the people who work for him too!

The War in Iraq is bad. It's been going on for a long time. Wars should only be fought if its fast and no one dies! If it goes longer than a short time, then IT'S WRONG.

I wouldnt fight for anything unless it was easy and I could win it without getting hurt. but there's probably NO REASON ever to go to war!!! OR FIGHT for stuff! People should just share everything! except candy. and presents.

Fighting for stuff makes people HATE YOU?!

That's why everyone around the world hates us!

Do I get graded for this?

Thank you
Tom Stevens
Age 12.

PS. The gays should be able to be married and stuff. And being mean to the environment is wrong too because of the greenhouses also. we should also get to have more pets. I want a monkey.

